16 March, 2016
The Betrayal, upcoming thriller on social and gender issues, is pleased to announce its two new partners: D-Light Studios Dublin and DCU-based Sexuality Studies research group.
Headed by Dr Mel Duffy and Mr Jean-Philippe Imbert, EROSS (Expressions, Research, Orientations: Sexuality Studies) is a research group based in DCU and aimed at investigating processes and variations in sexual cultures, sexual identities and gender role formation.
“We operate in a cross-, inter-, and multi-disciplinary research cluster,” says Mr Imbert,“ and we welcome the inclusion of film media to contribute to sexual literacy, generate well being and advocate social justice.” Dr Duffy adds “The film allows us to take the artistic view of the writer and cinematographer and integrate them with their cultural, ethical, and social perception of sexuality, at personal and societal levels.”
D-Light Studios, owned by photographer Agata Stoinska, partnered with The Betrayal in the early stages of production. Some of the film’s key scenes were shot there in February.

“Here at D-Light Studios we have a very unique space, we have built a creative hub in a beautiful old woollen mill/warehouse and we want to share it”, says Stace Gill, the Studios Manager. “Our primary function is as a film/photography location and our aim is to welcome as many creative projects to the space as possible. We are very happy to work with the amazing crew of women behind “The Betrayal”.
A project that creatively addresses the ever evolving social attitudes and issues concerning gender equality, fluidity and freedom is an easy partnership for us to make.
Stace Gill, D-Light Studios Manager
“The endorsement of both our partners means a lot to us”, says Kamila Dydyna, the writer and co-director of The Betrayal. “There are many ways to help independent film, and it’s a huge recognition for me as a filmmaker to feel supported by people who have shown their commitment to the Arts.”
The Betrayal, featured recently in EILE Magazine,, and, is in post-production and is slated for release on the Irish and international festival circuit in the early summer 2016. It’s Kamila Dydyna’s second film after the award-winning Testimony.
Produced by Kamila Dydyna & Driftwood Doll Films (Eilis Abbott & Michael O’Dwyer)
Directed by Natasha Waugh & Kamila Dydyna
Written by Kamila Dydyna
Director of Photography: Gosia Zur
Starring: Miriam Devitt, Mark McAuley, Kamila Dydyna, Hilary Bowen-Walsh
Sound Design: Nikki Moss
Executive Producer: Will Carter