The Betrayal, an Irish short drama exploring themes of sexual identity and domestic violence, is now available online! There were more people involved in the making of it than we could possibly tag here –[…]
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The Betrayal, an Irish short drama exploring themes of sexual identity and domestic violence, is now available online! There were more people involved in the making of it than we could possibly tag here –[…]
It’s been a great week for The Betrayal with press and radio coverage. Thank you so much to Cassie Delaney, Marian, Jade Hayden, Gail Conway & Louise Heraghty! The Betrayal was featured in EILE Magazine (we[…]
It’s just 2 weeks ago when we shot The Betrayal. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our talented and driven crew and cast, we have a powerful film on our hands, beautifully shot by[…]